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Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting
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"She wanted to find a way to love them in death, because she forgot how to love them in life." — Sherman Alexie, Reservation Blues




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Seth Lorence Belacqua
Seth Lorence Belacqua
Touched by the Devil and saved from God, I walk alone sewn between two worlds

▌atsakingas už : 134
▌bones : 20096
▌bites : 1
▌miręs nuo : 2013-11-29

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Būstai Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Būstai   Būstai EmptyTr. 12 04, 2013 6:58 pm

Pirmas namas ar butas nemokamas , bet kiti kainuoja . Kainoraštis :
Butas - 10 bones'ų .
Butas senamiestyje - 250 bones'u .
Namas - 300 bones'ų.
Vila - 4500 bone'sų .
Namas užsienyje - 6000 bones'ų.
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